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Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's Fall....

...which brings a lot of change on a farm. One of my favorite times is on a Saturday morning. The air is crisp and the sun is shining. It's the perfect time to put on the furry lined Crocs and head to the barn with my bright red cup filled to the brim with steaming coffee. The girls love it, too, as they follow along with me. They know the routine and they seem to run along in anticipation. We head to the chicken run, open the door, and watch the hens and rooster hurry out to hunt for grubs, ticks, and other goodies that don't come in a sack of feed. And, since the weather is cool now, they get an extra treat. I keep a bag of "Fancy Scratch" just for this occasion. Chicken Scratch is cracked corn and chickens absolutely love it! They can't have scratch in the hot weather because the corn raises their body temperature and can be fatal. So, today is the perfect day to indulge them! I sip my coffee and watch them scurry around scratching at the ground while they gobble up the scratch.
Of course, what would a Saturday be without a game of Jolly Ball? This is Bear's favorite game. She found the Jolly Ball in the pasture when we first moved to the farm. A Jolly Ball is a big, rubber ball with a handle on it. It's really a horse toy but Bear B just adores fetching it.
So, while the chickens scratch the ground, and I sip my coffee, Bear and Sadie play Jolly Ball and everyone is happy. It's Fall!!!!

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