Chicken Little and her little yellow peep were living large. It was so much fun to see the chick peak out from under Mama's skirt and to ride on her back in total security and comfort.
Now, a baby chick will grow pretty quickly and we decided that it was time to introduce some new little pullets into the brooder figuring they would all get along just fine. Not so much! Chicken Little would have nothing to do with the new babies. In fact, she was a mean surrogate pecking at the 5 other little peeps so they would stay away.
Here is where the Life On The Farm kicks in. Steve tells me it's time to separate Mama from the babies. Oh Boy....I'm thinking, it's okay, I'll put her in the hen house and all will be fine. About 4 hours later, I went out to check on the new arrivals only to find Chicken Little sitting on top of the brooder with her baby peep sitting as close as possible on top of the waterer crying for Mama!
Life on a farm is reality and I have learned so much about the circle of life in just a year. My heart strings tug at the thought of Chicken Little and Little Peep's angst. But, I know that if we do right by them, they will soon reunited in the Hen House and all will be fine.